Barber And Staver: Gay Marriage Is Like Defacing The Sistine Chapel And Shaking A Fist At God

On today’s “Faith and Freedom” radio broadcast, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver and Matt Barber said that the push for marriage equality is nothing more than an attempt to destroy what God has created and likened it to someone tossing paint all over Michelangelo’s masterwork on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

“Assume that you’re looking at Michelangelo,” Staver said. “He spends all of his life preparing and perfecting the art of painting that only he can do and such great artistic work that it literally stands the test of history and ripples through time. And so, as part of his creative effort, he paints hours and weeks and days and years on the Sistine Chapel … Here somebody walks into the Sistine Chapel with a paint bucket and a big brush and says, ‘Michael, you got it all wrong, this is frankly ugly’ and gets up there and thinks he knows better and starts splashing paint all over this beautiful painting and destroying it.”

“And yet, here we’ve got God, who is the creator,” he continued, “who knows the creation that He created and the crown jewel of all the magnificent things He created is you and I in His image that has the unitive, the procreative, and the spiritual component. And then the created being shakes its fist at God and says, ‘Ah, no, we’ve got a better idea God and we’re going to change what you created and we’re going to elevate it and promote it and put laws around it and try to protect it because we think we know better.’ The audacity of the created being, shaking its fist at the natural creation of God almighty.”

Barber was in complete agreement, saying that “to try to build on this building block of vile affections and abominations something that is supposed to be equal to, akin to, what God created, God’s union of a man and a woman, is offensive. It’s shaking its fist at God”: