Are VVS Organizers Trying To Hide Fischer’s Involvement?

Last month, we asked why Bryan Fischer was not being pictured among the confirmed and invited leaders to the upcoming Values Voter Summit.

Fischer has been a featured speaker for each of the last two years at the event and has always been prominently featured on the speaker’s list in years past.  And considering that his employer, The American Family Association, is a co-sponsor of the event, it seemed rather unlikely that Fischer had been dropped, despite his long record of unmitigated bigotry.

The Values Voter Summit is being held next week and Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum are all pictured on the confirmed speaker list, as are dozens of other GOP and Religious Right leaders … but Fischer is nowhere to be found:

But just because he is not listed on the speakers page, that doesn’t mean that Fischer won’t be speaking, because the event schedule has him listed as speaking directly after Mitt Romney on Saturday:

9:00 a.m. – Noon


– Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas), Republican Presidential Candidate*

– Dr. Bill Bennett, Host, Morning in America*

– Governor Mitt Romney, Republican Presidential Candidate*

– Bryan Fischer, Director of Issues Analysis, American Family Association*

Straight Talk on Gay “Marriage”

– Moderator: Tom McClusky, Senior Vice President, FRC Action
– Daniel Avila, J.D., Policy Advisor for Marriage and Family , U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops*
– Brian Brown, Executive Director, National Organization for Marriage
– Derek McCoy, President, Maryland Family Alliance*
– David Tyree, Former Wide Receiver, New York Giants

– General William Boykin (Ret.), Former Commander, Delta Force*

The asterisk by Fischer’s name indicates that he is a confirmed speaker, so why are event organizers seemingly trying to conceal his participation?