Another Helpful Lesson From Glenn Beck: ‘There Is No Retirement Community For The Animal World’

Every once in a while, Glenn Beck delivers an extended monologue on his radio show that quickly degenerates into an incoherent stream-of-consciousness jumble of whatever talking points happen to be floating around in his head, resulting in utterly perplexing segments like this one from yesterday’s radio program.

Beck was initially talking about the need to create a society in which every person had maximum freedom to succeed or fail but were also required to take personal responsibility for the consequences of their own failure or success. Somehow that morphed into some point how big government “progressives” like President Obama and Newt Gingrich and the Democrats and the Republicans all embrace “Satan’s plan” to create a system in which nobody has to take personal responsibility because they are controlled by the government.

“That is Satan, man,” Beck said, before then going off on a tangent based on Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s claim that God doesn’t want people to retire, which is why the word “retirement” doesn’t appear in the Bible. In fact, Beck explained, there is no natural right to retire at all because that is a human concept.

“Do you see the older lions going off to a retirement community?” Beck asked. “They’re eaten. That’s what happens; they’re eaten. There is no retirement community for the animal world”:

Tags: Glenn Beck