And This Helps … How? Schlafly Pens Statement of Support for Webster

You really have to wonder at the logic behind Daniel Webster’s attempts to fight back/capitalize on Rep. Alan Grayson’s “Taliban Dan” ad.

First, he goes on Bryan Fischer’s radio program right after Fischer pens a long explanation about how how Christian women have an obligation to God to submit to their husbands:

Marriage is not and can never be a democracy. Somebody has to have the tie-breaking vote when the poll reveals a one-to-one tie. In a Christian marriage, the husband is the tie breaker. The way it is designed to work is that a wife willingly defers to her husband on those rare occasions when they cannot agree on a course of action, and the husband makes the decision that his conscience tells him is best, not for himself, but for her, their marriage, and their home.

If a husband believes before God that the best decision in a given situation is different than the one his wife prefers, he does not order her to follow him, he asks her. The decision is then up to her. He’s not forcing her to do anything. He leaves the issue squarely where it belongs, between her and her God.

If you have a problem with a Christian view of marriage, fine. Don’t become a Christian then.

And then the Webster rolls out a statement from Phyllis Schlafly of all people:

The Webster campaign released a statement from Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly praising Webster’s stances on marriage and abortion. Schlafly said that Grayson’s “outdated reference to ‘women’s issues’ insults women by assuming that women’s only political concerns are abortion and divorce.”

Schlafly just happens to believe that “by getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don’t think you can call it rape“:

Could you clarify some of the statements that you made in Maine last year about martial rape?

I think that when you get married you have consented to sex. That’s what marriage is all about, I don’t know if maybe these girls missed sex ed. That doesn’t mean the husband can beat you up, we have plenty of laws against assault and battery. If there is any violence or mistreatment that can be dealt with by criminal prosecution, by divorce or in various ways. When it gets down to calling it rape though, it isn’t rape, it’s a he said-she said where it’s just too easy to lie about it.

Was the way in which your statement was portrayed correct?

Yes. Feminists, if they get tired of a husband or if they want to fight over child custody, they can make an accusation of marital rape and they want that to be there, available to them.

So you see this as more of a tool used by people to get out of marriages than as legitimate-

Yes, I certainly do.