Alex Jones: I Was Selected To Reveal ‘Dangerous Things’ About 9/11 Alongside Trump

Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist radio host leading Infowars, claimed this afternoon that he had been chosen to reveal “the super hard, dangerous things up front,” before President Trump will supposedly publish new information detailing global elites’ roles in 9/11 terror attacks.

Infowars is reporting that “high-level government sources” have told them that Trump is prepared to “go beyond exposing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 9/11-Saudi cover-up by releasing new information on how the Bushes and Clintons were also involved.” Jones claimed that doing this would be the key to destroying Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign’s suspected collusion with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign by revealing that Mueller supposedly “quarterbacked the entire cover-up.”

“Trump has them dead to rights. He has all the documents, he has all the admissions, and he’s letting them know, ‘I have the Ace of Spades,’” Jones said.

Jones said that soon Trump will reveal new information about the 9/11 attacks and that Jones has been tasked with revealing the “dangerous things up front.”

He said, “So, deep state, working with radical criminal Islam involved in 9/11, the stand-down, all of it, the CIA building, building seven being blown up—Trump is preparing and wants you to know and wants [Infowars] to know, and I am the individual who is supposed, that is supposed to say the super hard, dangerous things up front.  I’m very honored. I’ve asked for that position. It’s a very honorable position, very dangerous position.”

Trump, Jones claimed, “knows everything about this” and said that it must be revealed in order to “strike fear into the deep state.” Trump has a history of toying with 9/11 trutherism.