A Kinder, Gentler Rick Scarborough?

Vision America is prominently featuring this rather unexpected video on its website featuring Rick Scarborough voicing deep regret over his appearance on “The Daily Show” earlier this year, saying he made a “snide, off-handed” remark during the segment that was clearly offensive and lamenting that he did not handle the situation well, declaring that he does not want “people whose lifestyle I oppose to think I oppose them.”

He goes on to say that people have not rejected Christ, but have rejected “those of us who represent Christ,” and vows to move away from that, saying he wants to be a “loving, kind, gentle man of truth”: 

I have to say that the Scarborough in this video is utterly unlike the Scarborough we are familiar with here at RightWingWatch.  If he is indeed serious about changing his tactics and rhetoric, it would be a most remarkable and welcome change.