WorldNetDaily: Gay Rights Laws Will ‘Outlaw’ Christianity, Usher In Communist-Style Totalitarianism

The conservative conspiracy theory outlet WorldNetDaily is out with a petition today asking lawmakers throughout the country to “ensure that religious freedom in America is not crushed by rigid imposition of ‘non-discrimination’ laws based on sexual behavior and sexual identification.”

WND’s petition warns that anyone who opposes LGBT equality will soon be “prosecuted and legally driven out of their homes and businesses” as a result of gay rights laws, which the outlet believes are “strikingly reminiscent of communist totalitarian countries like Mao-era China.”

The petition goes on call gay marriage a “social experiment being forced down the throats of a once-Christian nation” that will eventually make the practice of Christianity “effectively illegal, forcing faithful believers underground – just as faithful believers are forced underground in many parts of the world under the cruel dominance of totalitarian ideologies.”

Any official who supports the “naked totalitarianism” of the LGBT rights movement, WND adds, seeks to “outlaw” Christianity and “stamp out” freedom.

Whereas, the spectacle of an innocent 21-year-old Christian girl, who, for honestly replying to a TV reporter’s hypothetical question and saying her family’s pizza parlor wouldn’t cater a homosexual wedding, was the recipient of a mountain of obscene abuse and death threats, including threats and incitement to burn down the family’s business;

Whereas, dozens of similar cases abound, where Christian business people, just wishing to live true to their faith, are being sued, criminally indicted, prosecuted, fined, forced to violate their deepest morals or close their business, and to undergo forced re-education (“sensitivity training”) strikingly reminiscent of communist totalitarian countries like Mao-era China;

Whereas, rigid and inflexible enforcement of the LGBT movement’s core legal dogma – namely, that “gay” is the new black – means that well-intentioned, law-abiding Americans who harbor religious reservations about homosexuality or same-sex marriage may well find themselves regarded as comparable to the most detestable racists such as Ku Klux Klansmen and neo-Nazis, and prosecuted and legally driven out of their homes and businesses;

Whereas, “same-sex marriage,” which no country, culture, political establishment, ideology, religion or historical era has ever endorsed, let alone practiced, in the entire history of mankind, is suddenly now an urgent social experiment being forced down the throats of a once-Christian nation by activist judges, tireless gay activists and their enablers and fellow travelers in the news and entertainment media;

Whereas, if current trends continue, within a short time the practice of traditional Christianity – the faith that guided virtually all of America’s founding fathers, as well as most major Western leaders for the past 2,000 years – will be rendered effectively illegal, forcing faithful believers underground – just as faithful believers are forced underground in many parts of the world under the cruel dominance of totalitarian ideologies;

By all accounts, the LGBT movement has overreached to the point of embracing naked totalitarianism, fomenting laws that: outlaw counseling help for minors who want to overcome unwanted same-sex attractions; decree that boys and young men must be allowed to use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms if they identify with the opposite sex (and vice versa); mandate pro-homosexual indoctrination of children as young as five; integrate open homosexuals into the military; force same-sex marriage on the nation; and now, criminalize Christian businesspeople for simply disapproving of homosexuality or declining to actively participate in same-sex weddings on moral and religious grounds.

To America’s leaders: Do you really believe it is good to effectively outlaw practice of the faith that formed the moral and spiritual foundation of our nation from its birth? If not, we urge you to demonstrate some genuine courage in the face of a nationwide campaign to stamp out America’s most foundational liberty – freedom of religion – just to eliminate even the most respectful and conscience-driven dissent by Christians who don’t want to be forced to participate in activities their faith tells them are immoral and wrong.