WorldNetDaily Columnist Thinks Legal Abortion Will Lead To Islamic Rule

The commentators over at WorldNetDaily are obsessed with warning about an imminent Islamic conquest of Europe and the U.S., and today the right-wing outlet published a column by Lord Christopher Monckton who is pretty sure that Russia is already a Muslim-majority nation.

“In Russia, Muslims already account for more than half the population,” Monckton writes, despite the fact that Muslims represent about one-tenth of the Russian population.

Terrified by “mass Muslim immigration” and fearing that Muslims are inherently criminal and violent, Monckton adds that legal abortion is killing off non-Muslims: “We are killing so many of our own citizens by abortion that the Muslims, who are morally superior to us in that they do not believe in killing unborn children, will soon outnumber us.”

Besides abortion and immigration, Monckton is afraid of President Obama because he’s a phony Christian “far more inclined toward Islam.”

Here, as in so many other fields, the left will simply lie because the lie is politically advantageous to it. President Hollande knows that there are at least 9 million Muslims in France. They are arriving at such a rapid rate that no one knows for sure just how many there are. But there are a lot. And very, very nearly all of them vote socialist. Totalitarians will always stand by other totalitarians.

But here’s the problem – for France and for many other European nations. We are killing so many of our own citizens by abortion that the Muslims, who are morally superior to us in that they do not believe in killing unborn children, will soon outnumber us.

How soon? Very soon. In Russia, Muslims already account for more than half the population. Even in Britain, which still theoretically retains some sort of immigration control, the left has deliberately turned a blind eye to mass Muslim immigration.

Mr. Obama is no better than President Hollande. He was once caught on camera bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia, and I have long suspected that the rather artificial stramash during his first election campaign about his worshiping at the tabernacle of an extremist Christian preacher was a calculated move by his spin-doctors to pretend that he is a Christian when he is ideologically far more inclined toward Islam.

Be that as it may, six in 10 of the French prison population are Muslims. France is not only importing and breeding Muslims: In doing so, she is importing and breeding crime. Why? Because – and this cannot be too often stressed – the Quran preaches violence and death against non-Muslims. Kill or maim an infidel and, under the Quranic disposition, you commit no crime.