WND Columnist: Voting Democratic ‘Comes Close To Being Treason’

A columnist for the far-right outlet WorldNetDaily writes today that “the future of civilization itself” depends on a GOP victory in the midterm elections, calling the upcoming elections “the most important in the history of the United States, and of the world.”

Lord Christopher Monckton, an outspoken birther and climate denialist, warns that President Obama and his Democratic allies intend to destroy the country by handing over power to the United Nations and imposing a regime that may kill tens of millions of people.

“[I]f the ‘Democrats’ get their way, the flickering torch carried by the Statue of Liberty may yet be snuffed out forever,” Monckton writes. “The threat is real – so real that even to vote ‘Democrat’ comes close to being treason.”

The coming midterm elections – just weeks away – may yet prove to be the most important in the history of the United States, and of the world.

There is a chance – it cannot yet be put any higher than that – that the GOP may recapture control of the Senate. The future of civilization itself may depend upon its succeeding. No one should underestimate just how much the United States is respected, admired and even loved worldwide as an example and a beacon of freedom. But if the “Democrats” get their way, the flickering torch carried by the Statue of Liberty may yet be snuffed out forever, together with the nation of which it has long been the symbol.

By little and little, the “Democrats” have become the implacable enemies of everything for which the Founding Fathers so nobly and so successfully strove. Their increasingly close ideological links with international anti-capitalist, anti-democratic, anti-libertarian Marxism and its sinister bedfellow, pietistic environmental extremism, have become an existential threat to the very survival of the United States as an independent nation. The threat is real – so real that even to vote “Democrat” comes close to being treason. Lest that statement should sound too extreme, let me explain. The ideologies of Marxism and its modern disguise, environmentalism, are explicitly internationalist – or, rather, anti-nationalist. The very idea of nation states whose citizens might wish to be free is utterly alien to the totalitarian mind, which considers that on all matters of politics only one opinion – that of Big Brother – has any value. All opinions contrary to the Party Line are not merely anathema: they are punishable, often by death.

Just as the savage brutality of Marxism and its twin, Fascism, killed 100 million people in the 20th century, so the active hatred of Man that is the defining characteristic of that 21st-century species of totalitarianism that lurks behind the fig-leaf of environmentalism is bidding fair to kill 100 million more by denying them affordable electrical power.

These three destructive policies – excessive national debt, excessive cuts in the armed forces and excessive regulation and taxation of energy use – have not come together by accident. They are elements in a deliberate strategy, pursued by the international left not only in the United States but worldwide, to destroy the very notion of the nation state – and, in doing so, to overthrow the very notion of democracy and of the individual liberty of which the ballot box is at once the ultimate expression and the ultimate guarantor.

Note Mr. Obama’s contempt for the mere voters and for the Congress whose members they have chosen, in his decision to allow the unelected bureaucrats of the Environmental Destruction Agency to issue pointless, costly, intrusive regulations that, under Article I, Section 1, of your Constitution, are the province of Congress alone.

Worse, if he is given a chance, he will sign away America’s sovereignty to the unelected United Nations, giving the secretariat of its Framework Convention on Climate Change not only environmental but also economic power over your nation regardless of your will and the will of those whom you elect to Congress.