White Nationalist Wonders If Trump Will Drive Jews Out Of Power

Matt Parrott, a “founding member” and the chief information officer of the white nationalist Traditionalist Youth Network, was not fond of a cheeky Washington Post column by Shalom Auslander that said people should stop comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler because Hitler was a megalomaniacal psychopath while Trump is just “a two-bit con man.” Auslander wrote:

The comparison that matters is not, “Is Donald Trump like Hitler?” but, “Are we like Hitler’s willing executioners?”

Will we look the other way, say we didn’t know, stand silently by while millions of our neighbors are rounded up, while women who get abortions are “punished,” while immigrants are given “ideology tests” and our leader heaps praise on oppressive tyrants?

Well? Will we?

Are we that terrified? Are we that hateful? Are we that frightened, that cowardly, that selfish, that helpless, that cold-hearted, that dumb, that easily manipulated, that easily provoked? Are we so bereft of answers, so pathetically hopeless, that all we can come up with is easy scapegoating and blind fealty to Our Great Leader? Are We The People really going to fall for the dumbest, oldest, easiest trick in the book?

Because if we are, then we won’t need an Adolf Hitler to embrace that darkness. Even a two-bit con man like Donald Trump will be enough.

In a post on the Trad Youth website, Parrott writes, “Auslander isn’t angry that Trump’s a con artist, he’s angry about the fact that an implicitly anti-semitic platform is electrifying the nation.” Parrott says Auslander’s comments about “Hitler’s willing executioners” mean that he is “accusing America’s goyim of being a bunch of Nazis.” Writes Parrott:

Even if you don’t name the Jews, if you’re putting America First, the Jews will name you. And if you’re not a brilliant and well-connected billionaire with balls of imported Swedish green marble, they will break you. The Jews aren’t so much angry at Trump as they’re angry at the deplorable goyim propelling him to victory.

Parrott concludes:

Maybe it’s not the End of History after all, Shalom. And maybe America will follow the leader of every other European nation in history in eventually awakening from the Jewish spell and driving y’all out. Whether Trump turns out to be the man who rises up from among the people to drive you out of power, what’s been demonstrated is that our human nature hasn’t been fundamentally transformed. White Americans are actually reviving their spirit of racial pride, bucking the Jewish plan for them, and growing immune to the usual enticements and enforcements.

The Traditionalist Youth Network is led by Matthew Heimbach, who believes the United States should be divided into ethnically homogenous regions. Heimbach has praised Donald Trump for “speaking to white interests” and celebrated the way Trump’s campaign has provided fertile ground for his group’s recruiting. Trump, says Heimbach, “has opened this floodgate that I don’t think can be restrained regardless of what happens in the 2016 elections.”
