When Obama Declares “LBGT Shame Month,” The Right Will Support It

It comes as no surprise that the Religious Right would be outraged that President Obama proclaimed June to be “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month” and that, in response we’d see statements like this from Rick Scarborough stating that gays should be hanging their heads in shame:

Noting that President Barack Obama has proclaimed June “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month,” Vision America President Dr. Rick Scarborough asks: “Exactly what do these people — defined exclusively by their aberrant sexual behavior — have to be proud about?”

Scarborough continued: “Perhaps they should be proud of the fact that, according to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2005, 71% of all HIV infections were among ‘men who have sex with other men’ — a group that represents at most 2% of the adult population?”

“Maybe the president thinks they should be proud that, according to a 1978 study, 36% of male homosexuals reported having up to 1,000 different sex partners over the course of their lives? Researchers tell us that the AIDS epidemic has changed nothing in this regard.”

“Does the president think gay militants should be proud of the part they’re playing in the deconstruction of marriage and assaults on First Amendment freedom of speech and religion, through so-called same-sex marriage, ‘hate crimes’ legislation and public school indoctrination?” Scarborough inquired.

Scarborough: “Those who engage in unnatural acts should hang their heads in shame — so should the president who asks us to celebrate their sinful lifestyle.”

And, because it never hurts to remind people, allow me to just point out once again that this man endorsed Mike Huckabee and served on his campaign’s Faith and Family Values Coalition.