What Does Jackson Mean By “We”?

Bishop Harry Jackson has still not answered the seemingly simple question of whether or not he actually lives in the District of Columbia as he leads the fight against marriage equality in the District, but he sure is acting as if he does, blasting the District of Columbia Board of Elections and Ethics which denied his petition seeking a voter referendum to overturn a city law recognizing same-sex marriages from other jurisdictions and complaining that “we as a group” are being disenfranchised:

Jackson says residents of the District have a right to be heard on the matter.

“So here we are in DC asking for home rules, feeling like we as a group of people have been disenfranchised,” he laments. “And then the other hand, 12 runaway city council members have decided that they want to create this city to be a haven for gay people, and start the whole process toward same-sex marriage without consulting the people.”

Jackson only registered to vote in DC in late April, weeks after he had launched his crusade, and did so by using a DC address of a one-bedroom condo owned by another man and where, as far as residents of the building and neighbors of Jackson’s Maryland home know, he is not actually residing.

So when he says “we in DC” are being disenfranchised, to whom is he referring?