Wayne Allyn Root Appoints Himself Donald Trump’s ‘Karl Rove’

Wayne Allyn Root, the far-right activist who was the Libertarian Party’s nominee for vice president in 2008 and has spent the Obama administration promoting avery confusing conspiracy theory about the president’s time at Columbia, has naturally gravitated toward the candidacy of Donald Trump. In fact, as Root told Iowa talk radio host Simon Conway on Tuesday, he is a bit of a pen pal with Trump and thinks he may have even inspired the candidate’s tax plan.

Root said that the Republican frontrunner “emails back and forth with me,” “says nice things about me on this Twitter account” and wrote a “beautiful quote for the back of my book.”

“I do know that I emailed him what I thought the tax plan should be for America and his new tax plan was out last week and I thought it was fantastic and it was pretty damn close to what I recommended,” he added.

“At least he listens some of the time to what I have to say, and that’s pretty cool,” Root said. “If he gets elected president, maybe I can be Karl Rove.”

Root would join unhinged right-wing radio host Michael Savage, who has similarly appointed himself to a position in the Trump administration .