Trump Camp Says ‘Get Even’ is a Perfectly Christian Message

Yesterday we noted that Donald Trump recently spoke at Liberty University where he delivered a rather unique message to a gathering of thousands of Christian students: “Get even!” 

Sensing that perhaps ‘seek revenge’ was not exactly central to the message that Jesus preached, ABC News reached out to the Trump camp seeking comment and were told that Trump’s message was perfectly Christian because Jesus himself “would and did” get even … and even Liberty U agrees:

In a statement, Trump’s special counsel, Michael Cohen, said he checked with a university official on the appropriateness of Trump’s comment.

The verdict? “Jesus would ‘get even.’”

“The biased liberal media continues to distort the success of Mr. Trump’s speech at Liberty University to more than 10,000 students. Most recently they question his advice to the student body ‘to get even’ and call the statement anti-Christian. Wrong!” Michael Cohen said in a statement to ABC News. ” I conferred with Johnnie Moore at Liberty University and questioned whether Jesus would ‘get even.’ The answer is ‘he would & he did.’ Johnny explained that the bible is filled with stories of God getting even with his enemies, Jesus got even with the Pharisees and Christians believe that Jesus even got even with Satan by rising from the dead. God is portrayed as giving grace, but he is also portrayed as one tough character — just as Trump stated.”