Steve King: President Trump Can Save America From Becoming A Third World Country

Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, defended his staunch anti-immigrant record at last week’s New Hampshire National Security Action Summit, alleging that proponents of immigration reform “advocate the destruction of rule of law and for anarchy and the descending down into Third World status.”

“You notice that the people that are for amnesty, they’re the ones that make race and ethnicity an issue because they’ve lost the argument and are reduced to calling names,” King said.

Fortunately, King said, at least one candidate is addressing his concerns: Donald Trump.

“I’m glad Donald Trump is making this a big issue,” the congressman said, before explaining that he thinks just one border wall isn’t enough. King added that the next president must “restore the respect for the rule of law” because “without it we cannot be a civilization anything any better than Third World.”

He then took a dig at undocumented immigrants: “By the way, when people come over here and live in the shadows and then they come to us and protest out in the open that we’re supposed to somehow give them a path to citizenship because we’re making them live in the shadows, they came here to live in the shadows. We don’t have a moral obligation to pull them out of the shadows, I just say get right with the law.”