Staver: Tolerance Of Homosexuality ‘Will Be The Downfall Of Our Civilization’

Last week, megachurch pastor John MacArthur told Glenn Beck’s The Blaze website that churches that condone homosexuality “have no allegiance to the Bible … they have no relationship to scripture, they are the apostate church, they are Satan’s church.”

Not surprisingly, Mat Staver and Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel are in complete agreement, praising MacArthur’s tough stance on their “Faith and Freedom” radio broadcast as Staver added his own warning that tolerance of homosexuality “ultimately will be the downfall of our civilization.”

“Homosexuality is against nature,” Staver declared. “It is against nature to have two men and two women engaging in sexual activity. It is against the Scripture to do that … This sinful behavior is being promoted as good, natural, and normal. It is something, I think, that ultimately will be the downfall of our civilization if we continue to go down this road”: