Sarah Palin’s Plan To Defeat ISIS: Stop ‘Embracing’ Radical Islamists And Stop Them!

Today on “The 700 Club,” host Wendy Griffith asked Sarah Palin the question we’ve all been begging her to answer: “What would you do to defeat ISIS?”

Naturally, Palin responded with a very substantive and shrewd plan to defeat the terrorist group.

“You have to quit being this namby-pamby, kind of milquetoast, ‘let’s discuss things with them, let’s reach out and try to understand them,’ no, they’re the enemy, they’re evil,” she declared.

When Griffith asked Palin if she agreed with Hillary Clinton’s assertion that “we are not at war with Islam,” Palin, unsurprisingly, did not.

“It’s so naïve,” the former GOP vice presidential candidate responded, “it’s a scary kind of naïve that anyone would believe that radical Islamic movement, jihad, that it could be understood, leading to some kind of embracing of it, no, we have to be honest about it, it has to be stopped.”