Sandy Rios: Transgender Access, Like ISIS, Is A Security Threat

Today on “Breitbart News Daily,” Sandy Rios of the American Family Association denied that her group is “testing” Target’s policy allowing transgender customers and staff to use the facilities that match their gender identity by sending men into women’s rooms.

When host Stephen Bannon asked her why liberals want this “insane” policy jammed “down the throat of the American people,” Rios said that it is the result of a Marxist plot to promote “sexual anarchy” and destroy normalcy.

“It sounds so radical, I’m not sure people are ready to accept this, but maybe they are,” Rios said. “We have a push from the left to deconstruct everything that’s called ‘normal,’ and that includes sexuality. You know, it’s part of the Marxist theory to deconstruct family and to recreate new systems. I’m not saying everyone participating in this has read Karl Marx and is doing Marx’s bidding, but we know that at least that was one of the beginnings of this sexual anarchy.”

The Obama administration, Rios said, is intensely focused on LGBT issues even at the risk of jeopardizing Americans, claiming that trans-inclusive policies represent a danger to the American people, much like the Islamic State.

“We are facing something really dreadful,” she said. “Of course there are more ways to be in danger than from ISIS.”