Sandy Rios: Ellen DeGeneres Pushing America Into ‘Moral Chaos’

Former Concerned Women for America president and Fox News contributor Sandy Rios in a column today hailed the American Family Association’s OneMillionMoms for their campaign to pressure JC Penney to fire Ellen DeGeneres because she is openly gay. Rios said that the destigmatization of homosexuality in America as a result of public figures like DeGeneres is much like women who “adjust to men who beat them,” “young girls to fathers who rage in a drunken stupor” and Patty Hearst’s brainwashing “to the views of her Symbionese Liberation Army captors.” “We have opened our doors to deviancy and adjusted ourselves to the dark, foul draft,” Rios writes, “We laugh at gay characters in sit-coms, reality and talk shows and have become so desensitized.” Rios maintains that DeGeneres is leading to the “complete eradication of the traditional family” and America’s descent into “moral chaos.”

Imagine you had to make a case against Ellen DeGeneres being the new spokesman for JCPenney. Ellen is charming and delightful … witty, warm and engaging. What’s not to like about Ellen DeGeneres? And yet for thousands … yeah millions of Penney’s customers, it is an unsettling proposition.

But this isn’t about Ellen’s winsome personality or her caring approach to her guests. It’s about the private choices she has publicly flaunted and the profound influence she has chiefly because of her charm and likeability. Openly lesbian, Ellen is “married” to her partner Portia Rossi. Militantly gay, DeGeneres has fought for homosexual rights including marriage and indoctrination in public schools.

Humans are capable of adjusting to almost anything. Soldiers freak out at the first sign of death, but hardened by battle in due course. Women adjust to men who beat them … young girls to fathers who rage in a drunken stupor. Patty Hearst accustomed herself to the views of her Symbionese Liberation Army Captors. We can adjust to almost anything, but it doesn’t make that “anything” healthy, normal or right.

We have adjusted ourselves to the point of breaking on the issue of homosexuality. We have invited through media what would have been unthinkable ten years ago into our own homes daily. We have opened our doors to deviancy and adjusted ourselves to the dark, foul draft. We send our children off to be indoctrinated by teachers indoctrinated themselves with homosexual advocacy by the National Education Association and declare our schools “safe.” We laugh at gay characters in sit-coms, reality and talk shows and have become so desensitized; we can no longer distinguish from personal affection for them and disapproval of how they live.

And so it is with Ellen DeGeneres. We like her and therefore cannot bring ourselves to condemn what she does or see any harm in her being the spokesperson for a company where America’s traditional families shop. We are incapable of making the distinction and so we open wide the gates and assure for ourselves the future homosexual activists have long written about: the complete eradication of the traditional family and the acceptance of any sexual choice anyone wants to make.

At least with Ellen we’ll have some laughs as we descend into moral chaos.