Right Wing Round-Up – 10/8/13

  • Truth Wins Out: Press Conference: LGBT Advocates and Allies to Declare on Thursday That the Values Voter Summit Misrepresents Christianity and Has a Harmful Agenda For the Nation.
  • Jeremy Hooper @ GLAAD Blog: The Values Voter Summit is bringing anti-LGBT extremism back to the fore.
  • Matt Wilstein @ Mediaite: Colbert Plays ‘Not A Game: The Government Shutdown Home Game.’
  • Josh Israel @ Think Progress: Arizona Legislator Compares President Obama To Hitler Because National Parks Are Closed.
  • David Edwards @ Raw Story: Rep. Broun tells CNN: ‘I’m a medical doctor’ and Obamacare will ‘destroy everything we know.’
  • TNF Insider: Pastor Organizer for Rick Perry, GOP Politicians Wants Congress to ‘Reestablish’ the Bible in Public Schools.