Right Wing Leftovers – 7/23/12

  • Herman Cain rises to the defense of the persecuted and oppressed rich: “Being rich is cool.”
  • Huma Abedin, the Clinton aide who is the focus of Michele Bachmann’s witch hunt, is now under police protection after receiving a threat.
  • Peter LaBarbera demands an Illinois judge “recuse herself from the homosexual ‘marriage’ case due to her personal conflict-of-interest”…just as black judges should refuse themselves from cases involving black people?
  • Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber says that legal abortion is at least partly responsible for the Aurora shooting.
  • Tony Perkins is upset that service members in uniform marched in pride parades, complaining that “the administration is now ordering its military to yield, not just to the special rights–but demands–of homosexual activists.”
  • Tweet of the day comes from Bryan Fischer, who wishes gay soldiers would be held in a military brig:

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