Right Wing Leftovers

  • Bryan Fischer continues to rail against the DADT vote.
  • Matt Barber continues to rail against the SPLC.
  • NOM wants questions about marriage asked at the RNC debate.
  • Cliff Kincaid is set to become the director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism, presumably so he can write long investigations about how gays plan to infect everyone with HIV-tainted blood.
  • I genuinely hope that Michele Bachmann decides to run for the Senate because I find it unlikely that the state the elected Paul Wellstone would ever elect someone like her.
  • Finally, the quote of the day from Gary Bauer: “It would be wrong to suggest that by stirring up class resentment the Left caused any of these crimes. What seems fairly clear, however, is that the Left is turning the anger and frustration that many struggling Americans feel about the economy into resentment against those who have succeeded.”