Right Wing Leftovers

  • Just a reminder to GOProud: just because the Left doesn’t like you, it doesn’t mean that the right-wing does.
  • When even George W. Bish thinks Sarah Palin is a joke, that is saying something.
  • Will the Religious Right please stop screaming about this nonsense now?
  • Randall Terry is already going after John Boehner.
  • Jim Garlow frets that Democrats are going to destroy California.
  • It really is amazing how the Religious Right is fundamentally unwilling to condemn Lisa Miller for kidnapping her daughter and disappearing.
  • I find it quite remarkable how David Barton’s election “analysis” so closely mirrors Fox’s “news.”
  • Finally, quote of the day from David Lane, executive director of AFA Action, responding to the win in Iowa: “For those who impose what we perceive as an immoral agenda, we’re going to take them out” … He said the group would do so again wherever judges “impose their will on free people.”