Right Wing Leftovers – 1/31/14

  • When he spoke at a March for Life rally in South Carolina recently, David Barton was apparently honored by the state Senate.
  • Speaking of South Carolina, we are not at all surprised to learn that Lee Bright has picked up an endorsement from Rep. Steve


  • Gordon Klingenschmitt says that

    “conservative chaplains are going underground” because they are worried about being persecuted by the military.

  • Apparently the Bible is predicting that both the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks are going to win the Super Bowl.
  • Speaking of football,

    “Coach” Dave Daubenmire is not happy with all the people who are

    sissifying his beloved sport.

  • Finally, Bryan Fischer says that Dinesh D’Souza is being persecuted because he is a Christian, just like Jesus, Peter, and
