Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 7/8/16

  • You learn something new every day, like the fact that Gordon Klingenschmitt and his wife were married by Ted Haggard.
  • Allen West says that attacks on police officers are “what happens when radicals ascend to positions of power, and a nation is fundamentally transformed.”
  • FRC prays for the election: “Founding Father John Jay, first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, famously urged us to select Christians to be our leaders; Exodus 18:21 calls us to select ‘able men who fear God, love truth and hate covetousness.’ We must pray that the American people will choose the candidates and party that best meet God’s conditions to lead the U.S. into the future.”
  • Ron Crews says that because of the admission of transgender soldiers, “for the first time in my life, I cannot encourage someone to consider the military as career right now — as long as this administration continues to push our military down this road. We are in serious trouble.”
  • Finally, David Lane declares that “Barack Hussein Obama just might be the agent of the judgment of God on a nation that abandoned its Biblical-based culture.”