Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 4/7/15

  • Watching Glenn Beck rant about the supposed lack of ethics and standards in the media is pretty hilarious considering that he is currently being sued for defamation and slander after repeatedly falsely accusing someone of being a terrorist on his radio and television programs.
  • MRC’s Dan Gainor fumes that “the American media are grabbing a rainbow flag and leading the charge.”
  • Last week, a Boy Scouts chapter hired a gay Eagle Scout to serve as a camp leader and Matt Barber warns that “this will place boys at a risk rate of 10 times the previous rate for being sexually assaulted on these camping trips.”
  • BarbWire’s John Biver declares that “‘sexual orientation’ is a fiction … There are males, females, and those with a birth defect. You ignore that at your peril.”
  • Finally, this column by Mychal Massie warning of a conspiracy by Karl Rove and Reice Priebus to smear Ted Cruz’s wife by linking her to the Council on Foreign Relations is a perfect example of the utter lunacy of the far right.