Right Wing Bonus Tracks – 10/14/15

  • “Gordon is paranoid and delusional”: Gordon Klingenschmitt’s campaign for a seat in Colorado’s state Senate seems to be getting off to a great start.
  • Obviously, it is not guns that are to blame for this nation’s string of mass shootings but rather the “sex and violence [that] is tied to zombies, witches, vampires, and horror movies.”
  • David Barton and George Barna will be leading another American Pastors Network conference in December aimed at getting Christians to vote in order to “raise an individual in the White House to lead this nation from a purely biblical perspective.”
  • Jennifer LeClaire laments that the Dutch Reformed Church has voted to recognize gay marriage: “I expect more denominations to fall by the wayside, or break off from their mainline denominations as they embrace doctrines of demons that encourage them to start their own sects of postmodern Christianity that is really not Christianity at all.”
  • Finally, Glenn Beck has Bernie Sanders all figured it. It is about morality … or something. We have no idea what he was talking about.