Rick Joyner: Many People Say Obama Is A Secret Muslim Using Taqiyya

Last week, Rick Joyner revealed to his fellow conservative televangelist Jim Bakker that he is giving spiritual advice to Donald Trump.

Joyner, it seems, has been spending so much time with Trump that he has even adopted his rhetorical style, claiming that a lot of people are saying that President Obama is a secret Muslim and he is just asking whether Obama is using taqiyya to keep his true faith a secret.

After insisting that approximately 400 million Muslims are radicals bent on murdering Americans, Joyner said, “I know there’s an overwhelming amount of evidence and a lot of people believe he is a Muslim and using taqiyya.”

Regardless of whether Obama is secretly Muslim or has been deceived by dark spirits, he added, it is clear that the president’s work is “doing great damage to us, great damage to Christianity and great damage to our country.”