Phyllis Schlafly: Obama Doesn’t Love America, Dares To Send Women In Combat

Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly chatted with “Infowars” host Alex Jones on Monday, where the two discussed the Pentagon’s decision last year to lift the military ban on women serving in combat positions.

Schlafly raised her concerns about the lifting of the ban after Jones worried that the military might be used as a “domestic force” to “go after the Tea Party,” telling the fringe conspiracy theorist: “I don’t have any respect for the military who send women into combat.”

After Jones suggested that Reagan went silent on criticizing the “New World Order” after a failed assassination attempt against him, Schlafly conceded that “Reagan wasn’t perfect” — a blasphemous claim in certain right-wing circles — but still loved this country.

Unlike Obama!

“You’re saying, bottom line he was a good guy who loved this country,” Jones said. “That’s a big difference from Obama who obviously wants to destroy it.”

Schlafly agreed: “He obviously doesn’t love this country, he doesn’t want us to think we’re better than anybody else and of course we are.”