Pat Robertson: Brittany Maynard Aiding ‘Culture Of Death,’ Should Ask For A Faith Healing

Today, “The 700 Club” aired a story about Brittany Maynard, a terminally ill woman who has decided to end her own life in Oregon, where doctor-assisted suicide is legal in certain cases.

Following the story, host Pat Robertson lashed out that “the so-called liberals are a culture of death, they want to kill babies, they want to kill the terminally ill, they don’t seem to honor life.”

Robertson said that terminally ill people like Maynard face “pressure” to die and that instead of seeking options for ending their own lives, they should ask for faith healings from people like Robertson.

“She has brain cancer, but brain cancer can get healed, God can heal anything,” said Robertson, who once claimed that he healed a woman of a brain tumor.