Mike Huckabee to Headline American Family Association Retreat

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has hailed Mike Huckabee as “a model for a lot of people in our party” on how to discuss topics such as marriage equality and abortion rights: “I always tell people: Listen to Governor Mike Huckabee…I don’t know anyone that talks about them any better.”

Yes, the RNC chairman who supposedly wants the GOP to reach out to women, people of color and gays and lesbians named Huckabee as the role model for discussing social issues.

As if that wasn’t already absurd, Huckabee is slated to headline the American Family Association retreat in North Carolina in October.

The AFA has attacked Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos, non-Christians and of course, gays and lesbians.

Here is a compilation of statements made by the AFA’s chief spokesman, Bryan Fischer, which we put together about two years ago, that almost feels out of date based on all of the ridiculous and ludicrous claims he makes on a daily basis.

In fact, it was on Fischer’s show where Huckabee claimed that President Obama was raised with an aversion to America.

With Huckabee set to address the AFA meeting, we can’t wait to see the other great forms of “outreach” the GOP has in store.