Michael Savage Imagines ‘People’s Tribunal’ To Try Government Officials And Journalists

Conservative talk show host Michael Savage said yesterday that he wishes that one day there would be some sort of a “people’s tribunal for crimes against America.”

He said that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, his predecessor Leon Panetta, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan, NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell and MSNBC president Phil Griffin should all be called before the tribunal since they are all “people who damaged this country most severely.”

Savage gave an idea of how the imaginary tribunal would work: “Department of Education, Arne Duncan, for lowering educational standards in America and brainwashing our children. Arne Duncan, people’s tribunal. ‘Mr. Duncan, step before the people, what actually did you achieve while you were here as secretary of education, Mr. Duncan?’ ‘Well I taught the children how to put a condom on a cucumber.’ ‘OK, next case, 25 years in Siberia.’”