Linda Harvey Honors LGBT History Month

October is LGBT History Month and Mission America’s Linda Harvey is predictably displeased, especially about National Coming Out Day on October 11. Harvey is outraged that schools would teach students about the contributions made by LGBT leaders throughout history instead of simply telling students that “homosexual sin was unnecessary in the past and detracted from the contributions of otherwise talented and productive people.”  As for National Coming Out Day, Harvey thinks it should be used to tell students who identify as gay that “they are about to enter a life fraught with disease, heartbreak, and disorder”:

This sinful, disordered behavior has been with us for all of human history. It was a problem in the past, as we learn by reading the Old Testament, specifically Genesis 19, and it’s a problem now. Homosexual sin was unnecessary in the past and detracted from the contributions of otherwise talented and productive people and that same remains true today. No one is born to pursue a homosexual identity.

The month of October in general has been chosen by the homosexual movement to honor this sinful lifestyle and bolster its reputation. And October 11 is even celebrated as Coming Out Day in many colleges and even some secondary schools. That’s a day when kids are encouraged to declare themselves homosexual in front of classmates and teachers and it’s one more way our schools, if they go along with this, are putting kids at risk. Why are all these efforts being made? Why are some adults pressuring kids to call themselves homosexual?

What kids involved in homosexuality need to be told with kindness is that this behavior is a sin in the eyes of God but that they are of great value and that they have a choice. They were not born this way and the life they are about to enter is one fraught with disease, heartbreak, and disorder; characteristics intrinsic to the behavior and not the fault of the rest of the world.