Linda Harvey: Gay Marriage Is A ‘Scheme Of Satan’

Last week on her “Mission America” radio show, Linda Harvey said that conservatives should pray daily that the Supreme Court will rule against marriage equality advocates, thus stopping Satan in his tracks.

“This is really a very simple and obvious issue,” Harvey said. “Two men or two women can never be married unless the very idea of marriage itself becomes so distorted as to become meaningless. So pray that those who have common sense and a grasp of morality will be faithful and not be swayed by the schemes of Satan to deceive, divide and destroy.”

However, if the Supreme Court rules for marriage equality, she said, then “lives will be damaged, just as they are being now by the exaltation of sexual sin in our nation and especially in the lives of children.”

Conservatives must pray, Harvey said, “that the eyes of America will open to the ungodliness of homosexuality and sexual sin of all kinds and we would turn from the elements in our culture that are driving this.”