Liberty Counsel Warns That Obama Seeks To Become Global Dictator

Ever since Barack Obama started running for the White House, we’ve seen occasional pieces wondering if he was the Antichrist. In December 2008, Mat Staver of the Liberty Counsel said he did not think that Obama was, in fact, the Antichrist but that it was entirely understandable that people were worried that he was:

No wonder, then, that Obama triggers such fear in the hearts of America’s millennialist Christians. Mat Staver, dean of Liberty University’s law school, says he does not believe Obama is the Antichrist, but he can see how others might. Obama’s own use of religious rhetoric belies his liberal positions on abortion and traditional marriage, Staver says, positions that “religious conservatives believe will threaten their freedom.” The people who believe Obama is the Antichrist are perhaps jumping to conclusions, but they’re not nuts: “They are expressing a concern and a fear that is widely shared,” Staver says.

I wonder if Staver’s views have changed since then because it sure sounds like he’s convinced that Obama is out to make himself some sort of global dictator because today he and Matt Barber, LC’s Director of Cultural Affairs, dedicated their radio program to explaining how Obama, from the very beginning, has been focused on systemically weakening America so that he could ultimately position himself to take over the entire world:

Staver: When President Barack Obama was running for president, when we became president, I’ve long since stated that his end game has and is not President of the United States of America; that he has a broader worldwide agenda. And that’s why he’s to go to places around the world and down the United States of America, because he thinks that’s going to gain him popularity in some of the other foreign areas. And that’s really where I think his eyes are focused, not on [being] President of the United States.

Barber: Now here’s the scary thing, I believe that that is true, but in order to have a post-American world, you have to have a post-America. And that’s why his policies are pushing us into a post-American world. He is destroying American exceptionalism and is trying to do away with our free market system here in the United States. He’s trying to create the climate where we have a post-American world.

Staver: Well, because America is always going to be, or at least it has been up until now, world player. And for him to be on the world scene, he’s going to have to bring America down to the level of some of the European and some other countries with regards to commonality. And America always had the exceptionalism and you can’t really have worldwide influence if you’ve got the America exceptional nation because you’re going to have to have them all basically on the same level.

So for him to go into this national, or global, leadership – which he wants to do – it’s no wonder why he wants to make America’s economy like the European economy; it’s no wonder why he wants to downplay Christianity so he can up-play Islam.

This man does not respect America. He never has.

Liberty Counsel is, of course, on of the main co-sponsors of the upcoming Values Voter Summit at which Staver is confirmed as a speaker, along with Rep. Michele Bachmann, Gov. Bob McDonnell, and Mike Huckabee (and it should be noted that Huck and Staver have a close personal relationship that goes back years.)