Klingenschmitt Warns That The Government Will Make Christians Renounce Christ In Order To Keep Their Jobs

Earlier this month, a court ruled in favor of a man who had sued his employer, claiming that he was forced to retire when he refused to use a biometric scanning program that had been instituted to track employee attendance. The employee claimed that using the scanner was a violation of his religious beliefs because it was a “Mark of the Beast” and a jury agreed, awarding him $150,000 in damages.

Gordon Klingenshmitt, unsurprisingly, was elated by the ruling, saying on a recent “Pray in Jesus Name” program that, like the “Mark of the Beast” scanning requirement, not allowing Christian business owners to discriminate against gay customers is a sign of the End Times.

Citing Revelation 13:16, Klingenschmitt declared that Christian photographers, florists, and bakers are all being forced to take the Mark of the Beast and will eventually be required to denounce Christ entirely in order to even remain in business.

“That’s just the camel’s nose under the tent,” he warned. “Eventually, it will end up requiring that you renounce Christ as a condition of remaining employed”: