Klingenschmitt Prays For God’s Protection As Lisa Miller Runs From The Law

What does Gordon Klingenschmitt do when he is not praying for the death of his enemies? He prays for Lisa Miller, of course, as Truth Wins Out reports.

But Klingenschmitt is not praying that Miller will return with her daughter and abide by the court orders, but rather that she will remain in hiding and that Christians will step up to help her evade the law:

We are reminded of Acts 5:29 when the Apostles said “We must obey God, rather than men!” when he hear that Lisa Miller from Virginina has bravely refused a Vermont court order to hand over her birth child, Isabella Miller, to a militant lesbian who has no biological relation or even desire to mother.  God give your protection, wisdom, and discernment to Lisa and Isabella and any Christians that might help protect her child in hiding from the corrupt officials that would turn her over to abusive sin. In Jesus’ name, amen.