Joseph Farah’s 9/11 Day of Prayer is Your Last Chance to Save America

WorldNetDaily founder Joseph Farah is organizing a National Day of Prayer and Fasting on September 11, and it’s kind of a big deal.

In fact, as Farah told Rick Wiles yesterday, it’s “our last chance” to save America from God’s judgment.

Speaking with Farah on his TruNews program, Wiles declared that America has gone “over a cliff” and “the next sound we’re going to hear will be the splat.” Farah’s day of prayer, then, is “a matter of life and death.” Farah agreed, adding, “It’s our last chance.”

In a video introducing the day of prayer, Farah warns that American politics and “cultural institutions like the media, Hollywood, academia, science, foundations, etc.” have all “become judgments on a country that has lost its moral bearings.”

In his interview with Wiles, Farah noted that he’s sick of people blaming President Obama bringing for God’s judgment on America. Instead, he said, the president is “part of the judgment.” Wiles agreed, adding, “He is the judgment. He is the pharaoh.”

Wiles: I used to say we’re going to go over the cliff. We’re over the cliff. We went over the cliff. We are in the air. We are going down now.

Farah: We’re like Wile E. Coyote when he goes off the cliff and he looks down until he recognizes it,  that’s when he falls.

Wiles: That’s where we’re at, and the next sound we’re going to hear will be the splat. And I don’t know if very many Christians are fully aware that we’ve already gone over the cliff. You know, people talk about the fiscal cliff, but what about the morality cliff? We’ve gone over the morality cliff and we’re now dropping. And we are at the state where if there is not a miracle, a sovereign act of the Holy God to stop this, then we are going to smack the ground. There is no doubt we are already descending. And so, this is a matter of life and death. This isn’t, ‘Oh, Joseph Farah’s got a nice idea, we ought to gather together and have prayer and fasting, isn’t that a cute little idea.’ No, this is life and death!

Farah: Right, I’ve heard this before, this kind of thing. It can’t be like that. This is our last chance.

Wiles: Yes!

Farah: I mean, that’s the way I feel about it, it’s our last chance. And by the way, it’s not a one-day thing. Something, you know, I remember when I first floated this idea, I got tremendous reaction from people, they loved it, they were enthusiastic, but their response was, ‘Why do we have to wait until 9/11?’ And my response to them, as many as I could respond to, was simply this: ‘You’ve got to prepare yourself for this.’ I’m just thinking to myself, I have a lot to repent for. And, you know, it might take me five months to get into that state of full and total humility and repentance. That’s what we have to be doing right now, cleaning our own act up, not pointing fingers at everybody else, you know, ‘Obama’s doing this to us’ and…You know, Obama’s part of the judgment.

Wiles: That’s right. He is the judgment. He’s our pharaoh.