Jonathan Cahn: Kim Davis, Gay Rights And Two Cows Prove God’s Wrath Is Imminent

Pat Robertson has become convinced that the financial system will collapse and the world is coming to an end after reading the works of Jonathan Cahn, a messianic rabbi who has won prominent followers such as Glenn Beck and Jim Bakker and who believes that God will release sweeping punishment on America this month as part of a seven-year cycle of judgment. 

Robertson invited Cahn onto his “The 700 Club” program today, where the two discussed Cahn’s claim that something bad will happen this month and when that bad thing happens, it will be a sign of God’s wrath.

Pointing to the birth last year of two cows that have facial marks that look like the number seven, Cahn and Robertson said that is all the proof they need that Americans should get ready for a cataclysmic event to occur in the coming weeks.

But Cahn saw more evidence that America is about to receive divine retribution, while cautioning that he doesn’t know what this bad thing might be and covering his bets by insisting that if a bad thing doesn’t happen this month, it is because “God is on the throne” and He chose to withhold His wrath.

Cahn told Robertson that the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage equality and the White House’s display of rainbow colors to celebrate LGBT pride month amounted to a “triple desecration” because it desecrated marriage, the U.S. government and the image of the rainbow.

“America crossed the line,” he said. Cahn then discussed the Kim Davis case, claiming that the Kentucky clerk who has refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples is just like biblical prophets who rebelled against tyrannical rulers to prove their loyalty to God.

“It’s like a perfect storm, all of these things coming together,” he said.