‘Historians Will Read About Us’: Glenn Beck Declares That Future Generations Will Build Statues Of His Audience

For years, Glenn Beck has been telling his audience that they will go down in history as the ones who saved America when everything collapsed. But now that time has come, he told his studio audience last night, and so they had better be prepared. 

Beck predicted that regardless of whether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton wins the election, America is headed for utter chaos and destruction, during which members of his audience will emerge as the leaders whom future generations will build statues of and credit with restoring this nation. Most importantly, he promised, they will be richly rewarded by God in heaven.

“You’re going to have to be leader,” Beck told them. “It’s a huge responsibility but it’s good” because, if they believe in eternal life, they now “have the big opportunity to step up and really be a person that returns home with honor.”

“They will build statues of people from these days some day,” Beck said. “Historians will read about us. Not everybody has that opportunity. That’s a glorious opportunity given to us.”

Tags: Glenn Beck