God Tells Jim Bakker Not To Believe The Polls Showing Trump Losing

Last week, televangelist Jim Bakker recounted a recent discussion he had with God about the state of the presidential race. God, Bakker said, hinted to him that the polls showing Donald Trump trailing Hillary Clinton are wrong: “I said, ‘God, what’s going on?’ I said, ‘It looks like Trump’s not gonna make it the way it’s going.’ And do you want to know what God said to me? He said, ‘You know, the polls could be wrong.’”

Bakker reported that God told him that Trump voters live in fear of anti-Trump “hatemongers” and as a result are reluctant to express their support for the GOP presidential nominee to pollsters.

“He said, ‘The people are in fear in this country, the church is in fear,’” Bakker recalled, “and he said, ‘They’re afraid to even say that they’re voting for Trump. They don’t want to tell anybody. They’re afraid.’ Now, I’m not saying I’m right, I’m just saying this is what happened this week, a few days, a few hours ago. Donald Trump fans are afraid to say they’re on his side because they are in fear of the hatemongers, they’re afraid for their lives.”