Glenn Beck Warns That ‘God Will Take His Mighty Arm’ And Wipe America Off The Map

Glenn Beck long ago transitioned from a self-described “rodeo clown” into a full-blown apocalyptic End Times preacher, so it was no surprise to see that his television program last night consisted mostly of him delivering a sermon to his studio audience warning that God is going to utterly wipe this nation out for passing the Iran nuclear deal and for failing to close down Planned Parenthood.

Preaching once again from the book of Jeremiah, Beck declared that “history books will remember us as people who chose death over life” and proclaimed that when future generations look at what caused “our demise,” they will point to the Iran deal and Planned Parenthood as black scars on our record.

Beck went on to relate that, as a Mormon, he believes that “the Constitution is divinely inspired and that this land is sacred,” and so God’s warning through Jeremiah to Israel applies equally to America today. As such, Beck warned that, just like ancient Israel, “if we go awry, God will take his mighty arm and he will wipe it clean.”

And that is exactly what is about to happen.

Tags: Glenn Beck