Gingrich: Obama is a European-Style Politician who Just Wants to Tell You What to do

Speaking at the “Pray for America” rally in Nevada on Friday night, Newt Gingrich called for passage of legislation requiring all schools and universities to teach the Declaration of Independence so that every student would learn that there is a Creator who has endowed us with certain unalienable rights and realize that government exists to serve the people, unlike President Obama who thinks the people exist to serve him:

We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. This is really central to all of America. God gives every one of you personally sovereignty. Your rights come from God. You loan some of that to the state in a document called the Constitution, which begins “we the people.” Doesn’t say “we the lawyers, we the politicians, we the bureaucrats, we the judges” … it says “we the people.”

Now, that means in America, you are a citizen and you loan power to the government, which is your servant. In Europe, you are a subject and government tells you what to do. And this is, candidly, the central issue with Barack Obama: he thinks he’s a European politician who should be teaching us what to do so he’s happy.