FRC Blames Obama, Liberals For College Sexual Assaults

In his latest Washington Update email, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins criticizes President Obama’s push to combat sexual assaults on college campuses, saying that Obama’s “own views have helped create” the sexual assault epidemic.

Perkins writes that what is to blame for sexual assaults on campus is that “America’s kids are growing up in an oversexualized culture, fed in part by Hollywood — but also by the radical Left.” He cites the Affordable Care Act’s contraception coverage mandate, President Obama’s admission that he smoked marijuana when he was young, and an off-hand remark the president once made suggesting that a bartender could hold a happy hour to convince her friends to sign up for health insurance.

Perkins previously blamed the rise in sexual assaults in the military on the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

While the pro-life movement protested the violence against the unborn and women, President Obama focused on a different kind of assault. Turning a blind eye to the marchers outside, the White House tried to change the subject from abortion to college sexual assault. Insisting that the country doesn’t pay enough attention to the problem, the President signed a special memorandum today, creating a task force to combat an epidemic that his own views have helped create! In the report from his White House Council on Women and Girls, the administration insists that the incidence of rape “is highest at college, fueled by drinking and drug use that can incapacitate victims.”

But instead of putting the blame for this very real crisis where it belongs, the White House points the finger at “police bias” and a “lack of training to investigate and prosecute sex crimes.” With all due respect, the people who need training are the leaders who head up this council. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand what’s really driving the sexual abuse on college campuses. (And it isn’t the failure local law enforcement).

Abuse is never okay. But America’s kids are growing up in an oversexualized culture, fed in part by Hollywood — but also by the radical Left. In the debate over contraception, it wasn’t the police department that embraced the hook-up culture and crusaded for free birth control . It wasn’t the police department that urged more than 50 universities to open their campuses to co-ed dorm rooms. It wasn’t the police who blamed sexual assault on drinking and drug use — and then proceeded to encourage ObamaCare Happy Hours and even endorse the decriminalization of marijuana. “I smoked pot as a kid,” the President told reporters last weekend, “and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol.”

Then, to top it all off, the President appoints his three most controversial Cabinet members to head up the new anti-assault initiative: Attorney General Eric Holder (Mr. Lawlessness himself), Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel (whose military has its own sexual abuse problems), and Education Secretary Arne Duncan — whose solution to sexual abuse is more sexual indoctrination.

You just can’t make this stuff up! If it weren’t so misguided, it might be funny. But unfortunately, this is the mentality of the Left. Its policies seed the ground for these crises, and when the problems become too serious to ignore, liberals refuse to engage in the kind of self-reflection necessary to find answers . If President Obama is committed to solving these issues — not just as America’s leader, but as a dad — then it’s time to take a stand against the sexual liberalism his party has championed.

(Emphases are ours.)

UPDATE: Perkins discussed the issue further on his Washington Watch radio program today, and added some shaming of reproductive rights advocate Sandra Fluke in for good measure. “Remember the debate over contraception?” Perkins said. “Now, it wasn’t the police department that made a hero out of the college student Sandra Fluke in that whole national campaign, crusade I should say, that she was on for unlimited birth control.”