Fischer: Two Percent Of Gay Soldiers Are Responsible For Thousands Of Sexual Assaults Per Year

Today, the American Psychological Association released a series of papers reporting that “rates of military sexual trauma among men who served in the military may be as much as 15 times higher than has been previously reported, largely because of barriers associated with stigma, beliefs in myths about male rape, and feelings of helplessness.”

Predictably, this has been seized upon by Bryan Fischer as proof that the small percentage of gay men in the military are responsible for tens of thousands of sexual assaults every year.

Ignoring clear statement from the reports themselves that it is a myth to claim “that male rape is homosexual sex and therefore, that only homosexual men get raped and only homosexual men perpetrate rape,” Fischer insisted on his radio program today that gay men are committing these thousands of sexual assaults because they are inherently violent.

“One of the pathologies that is associated with the homosexual lifestyle is violence and sexual assault,” he said. “It’s a characteristic of sexual activity in that community.”

Asserting that 14,000 men and 12,000 women the military were sexually assaulted in 2013, Fischer proclaimed that “despite the fact that homosexuals comprise just a tiny sliver of our population, maybe two per cent of the population,” those “two per cent of the males in the military are responsible for more sexual assaults of males than all of the heterosexual men in the military.”