Fischer: Rush Limbaugh Has Been “Intimidated” And “Compromised” By The Homosexual Lobby

In an amazing display of anti-gay synergy, the AFA’s Bryan Fischer and “A Queer Thing Happened To America” author Michael Brown hosted something of a joint radio program yesterday whereby the two hosts were patched in together while each hosting their respective programs, essentially making each host a guest on the other’s program.

These two leading anti-gay activists came together in this manner in order to discuss Brown’s recent column speculating that Rush Limbaugh is afraid to blame the Penn State child molestation scandal on homosexuality because he is afraid of angering the gay lobby.

Brown gave Right Wing Watch a nice little shout-out around the 21:35 mark, noting that we regularly post their latest anti-gay statements.  And then, after Brown had left, Fischer continued to talk about it, saying that Limbaugh has been “compromised” by the homosexual lobby when he had Elton John sing at his wedding:

I mean, you talk about the people who are the real bullies on the playground, it’s the homosexual lobby. They’re pushing everybody around. They’ve even intimidated, apparently, Rush Limbaugh into craven silence. So that’s an enormous sort of recognition of the power of the homosexual lobby that even somebody like Rush Limbaugh, who prides himself on the fact that he can’t be intimidated by anybody, I mean, he has been driven to utter and absolute silence by the homosexual lobby.

Now I believe Rush got compromised – it’s one of the reasons why you listen to Focal Point, by the way – Rush completely compromised on the homosexual agenda. He got compromised on the homosexual agenda when he paid Elton John a million bucks to sing at his wedding. I mean, he was done at the point. Elton John, one of the most prominent homosexuals on the planet, in a civil union with some guy in the UK, he’s buddy-buddy with Rush now, so Rush is not going to go out there and say anything against the homosexual movement, against the homosexual lobby, against homosexual activists. So he’s compromised on the issue.

One of the reasons why you listen to Focal Point [is] because we’re not going to be bullied by the homosexual lobby.