Fischer on Obama, Abortion, and The Judgment of God

As we have noted several times before, Bryan Fischer has essentially two modes of operation: bigotry and denial. 

He fills hours of radio airtime every day with unrelenting bigotry but then, when he starts to get criticism for the things he has said, he claims that his critics are taking his words out of context and misrepresenting his views … despite the fact that everything he says has been captured on video and in audio files.

So it was interesting to see Fischer address the statement that President Obama issued on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade earlier this week by flagrantly lying about what it said. 

Obama’s statement concluded by saying that “we must also continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams.” But to Fischer, what Obama really meant was that “unless women kill their babies in the womb, they cannot realize their destinies” as he also warned that God was going to punish this nation with a massive shedding of blood unless we repent for the sin of abortion: