Farah: Obama’s Gun Policies lead to ‘Mass-Murdering Tyranny’

The right-wing press really can’t get enough of the comparisons of President Obama to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin over his new executive actions and proposed gun laws, including the reauthorization of the Assault Weapons Ban. While the first Assault Weapons Ban that lasted from 1994 to 2004 didn’t produce a fascistic dictatorship, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah writes today that “Obama’s gun grab” is how “every mass-murdering tyranny in the history of the world started.” Farah claims that the left will bring about “the end of liberty” and that Americans will be in the same situation as the colonists confronting a “tyrannical government” during the American Revolution.

Left leads to the end of liberty. The right path buys us time to restore the principle of constitutionally limited government.

If the U.S. government renders its citizens as subjects by disarming them, it will be the end of the dream of liberty that drove our founders to arms to fight for self-government and independence.

In fact, that was what precipitated the War of Independence. When British occupying forces set out to seize New Englanders’ arms depots at Lexington and Concord, the colonists drew a line in the sand. They understood that without firearms, they would lose any leverage they might have with their masters. They understood that without firearms, they would be hapless subjects of tyrannical government forever.

A new generation of Americans find themselves in just that predicament again, as Barack Obama puts on a full-court press to ban entire classifications of firearms leading inevitably to a government monopoly on force.

He’s appealing to emotion, and, for many Americans, dumbed down by government education and cultural institutions that place no value on freedom and personal responsibility, it’s working.

Yes, children were slaughtered at Newtown, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School. But not one of those children would have been saved by Obama’s gun grab. To many Americans, that doesn’t matter. They just feel that something must be done.

What they don’t understand is that they are helping to set up more carnage, more Sandy Hooks, more bloodshed and, ultimately, the end of government accountability to its citizenry.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a Ph.D. in history to know that every mass-murdering tyranny in the history of the world started like this. They began with a government monopoly on force. Once that is established, the citizenry is no longer served by government, government is served by its subjects.