Donald Trump Will Save Our Civil Liberties From The War On Christmas

Yesterday, Eric Metaxas posted an interview with Donald Trump’s son and campaign surrogate Eric Trump, who assured Metaxas that his father cherishes the U.S. Constitution and would appoint conservative jurists like the late Justice Antonin Scalia.

Eric Trump pointed to his father’s contempt for the War on Christmas as a reason conservatives can trust him to protect constitutional principles: “Believe me, there is nobody who is more Second Amendment, there’s no one who is more of a constitutionalist, there is no one who cares about our civil liberties more than he does. This is a guy who jumps up and down every time somebody says, ‘holiday tree.’ No, it’s not a holiday tree guys, it’s a Christmas tree.”

Is there really “no one who cares about our civil liberties” more than the GOP frontrunner?

Trump is the same candidate who said he plans to sue journalists who write “horrible” articles about him, urged the Federal Communications Commission to fine a media commentator who criticized him and urged Bill Gates to begin “closing that Internet up in some way,” dismissing concerns about free speech rights: “Somebody will say, ‘oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.’ These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people.”

No fan of religious freedom, Trump has called for a ban on Muslims from entering the country and government surveillance of mosques, and even suggested that the government begin tracking all Muslims and monitoring Syrian refugees in databases.

Trump also doesn’t seem familiar with the Fourteenth Amendment, telling Fox News host Bill O’Reilly that the amendment’s birthright citizenship clause is unconstitutional.

But at least he loves Christmas!