Don Feder: Obama ‘More Dangerous’ Than Terrorists

World Congress of Families spokesman Don Feder is joining in the Religious Right outrage over the National Prayer Breakfast speech in which President Obama dared to mention that many people have distorted the Christian faith to justify violence and oppression, much like how groups such as ISIS distort Islam today. While Feder wonders in a column published yesterday if Obama will become an “imam” or “Sheik of Chicago” in “the coming Caliphate,” he writes that he does not believe Obama is a Muslim.

Instead, Feder claims that Obama is “slavishly devoted to Dar-al-Islam” because he’s a “devout leftist” who reveres Islam “as the religion of the downtrodden and the dispossessed.”

“So good progressives are able to overlook its flagrant misogyny, rampant homophobia and genocidal rage,” Feder writes. “A shared hatred of the West trumps everything else.”

Obama’s leftism and powers as president, according to Feder, make him even more dangerous than Islamist extremists: “That Barack Hussein Obama commands the US military, controls the apparatus of national security and has the world’s bulliest pulpit, makes him far more dangerous to the survival of Western Civilization than Jihad-this, Islam-that, and Abu-whatever.”

Our president has been called Islam’s principal Western apologist. But that’s like calling the Chief Rabbi of Israel kind of Jewish, or Lindsay Lohan sort of messed up. In fact, from his 2009 Cairo speech to last Friday’s Sermon on the Mosque, it’s been nothing less than slavish devotion: the Muslim Brotherhood is “secular,” the Ft. Hood massacre was “workplace violence,” the Taliban is “an armed insurgency” (but not terrorist), initially, Benghazi was caused by an anti-Mohammed video, “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” the muezzin’s call to prayer is “one of the sweetest sounds on earth,” and on and on ad nauseam.

In the coming Caliphate, maybe he’ll be the Sheik of Chicago or the Imam O.

At the Prayer Breakfast, after his faux Buddhist greeting to the Dali Lama, the alleged leader of the Free World pledged to “push back against those who would distort our religion for their nihilist ends.” Which religion?

Lest you think the president was referring to the religion of peace (against whose adherents we occasionally undertake overseas contingency operations), Obama was quick to point out that around the world, every faith has, from time to time, been “hijacked” by violent extremists “for their own murderous ends.”

Obama is so slavishly devoted to Dar-al-Islam, that many think he’s a Moslem himself. To the contrary, he is a devout leftist.

Two strains converge to shape Obama’s attitude toward Islam. There’s nostalgia – for his Moslem boyhood in Indonesia (so innocent, so carefree, so harmonious) and his absentee dad – combined with the left’s worldview.

The left views Islam as the religion of the downtrodden and dispossessed – the faith of victims of Western colonialism and capitalist exploitation. Besides, it’s so charming and quaint. So good progressives are able to overlook its flagrant misogyny, rampant homophobia and genocidal rage. A shared hatred of the West trumps everything else.

The liberation theology preached at Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church is a consequence of the left’s Islamophilia, as is Obama’s anti-Zionism.

That Barack Hussein Obama commands the US military, controls the apparatus of national security and has the world’s bulliest pulpit, makes him far more dangerous to the survival of Western Civilization than Jihad-this, Islam-that, and Abu-whatever.